Leaves of Absence

Leaves of Absence

Leave of Absence, Application to Request

Application Deadlines: 

Fall: July 1

Spring: December 1

Summer: April 1

The Leave of Absence policy does not supersede any other policy. For example, students who need to withdraw or petition to withdraw from a given term must follow that procedure. Students who are ineligible to return to Georgia Tech may not seek a Leave of Absence as a way to address that status.

Complete the document with all required information:

  • Your current major advisor or department coordinator must approve the document first. You must identify this person in the "Approver at School or College" recipient fields.
  • Search the DocuSign Address Book (gray icon in recipient field) to find the correct @gatech.edu format email addresses for the intended recipient. Click SEND after choosing the intended recipient.
  • Complete the form with the required information. Be sure to correctly state the term(s) for which leave is requested and the anticipated term for your return.
  • Use the file attachment field to provide supplemental documentation regarding your reason for requesting a leave of absence.
  • Sign the form and select FINISH. This will automatically route the form to the person you identified as your major advisor or department coordinator.
  • In your DocuSign account, you can follow the forms progress through the approval workflow or void the form at a later date.
  • Please allow 7-14 business days for a review of your application by the Dean of Students and Registrar's Office.
  • Contact the Registrar's Office if you need assistance completing the form.

Important information for any student taking a leave of absence:

  • You will have no access to campus facilities or service during the leave of absence period.
  • You are advised to make arrangements for health care coverage during the leave of absence period.
  • Students on an F1 or J1 visa should notify OIE of their intention to apply for a Leave of Absence immediately to discuss the correct process to exit the United States and plan for a return. 

Updated October 2020

Leave of Absence, Application to Return from

Returning from a Leave of Absence involves both coordination and planning. We recommend utilizing the list below to ensure you consider all possible steps for re-entry. Every student situation is different, and contact with each office below may not be necessary.

Application Deadlines: 

Fall: July 1

Spring: December 1

Summer: April 1 

All students must complete the Application to Return form via DocuSign.

Complete the document with all required information

  • Using the DocuSign form link above, access the form using your gtAccount@gatech.edu email address at the DocuSign login.
  • Choose the USE button and then click SEND.
  • Complete the form with the required information. Be sure to correctly state the term(s) for which re-enrollment is requested.
  • Sign the form and select FINISH. This will automatically route the form to the Registrar's Office.
  • In your DocuSign account, you can follow the form's progress through the approval workflow or void the form at a later date.
  • Please allow 7-14 business days for a review of your application by the Registrar’s Office.
  • Contact the Registrar's Office if you need assistance completing the form.

Checklist: Once You Are Approved to Return

  • Register for courses once Phase I or II is open.
  • Please take a few minutes to confirm whether or not you have any holds on your account.
    • Log into BuzzPort
    • Navigate to the "Student" tab
    • Select the "Registration (OSCAR)" link
    • Select "Student Services & Financial Aid"
    • Select "Student Records"
    • Select "View Holds"

Multiple Georgia Tech offices can place registration holds. The office which places the hold must remove it.

If you will be returning to campus, you are required to meet all immunization requirements set by Stamps Health Services. View a list of current requirements here: https://health.gatech.edu/immunization/requirements

  • Contact the Office of Residence Life to pursue on-campus housing. The Office of Residence Life will make a best effort to accommodate students returning from a Leave of Absence but cannot guarantee a space in the case of extraordinarily high demand.)
  • Be in touch with Financial Aid if you have received financial aid in the past.
  • Contact the Office of International Education to obtain appropriate travel visa documents if you are an International student.
  • Visit Disability Services if you have accessibility needs and wish to request accommodations.

Updated October 2022