On Tuesday, January 21, the Registrar's Office will be closed for in-person services.

Academic Scheduling

Buildings and Class Locations

The locations of your classes are listed on your detailed schedule on your OSCAR account.

Course Descriptions

Course descriptions summarize basic information about the classes offered by the Institute's many academic units.

Final Exams

The guidelines pertaining to final exams and the details of exam scheduling.

Provost's Advisory Committee

Information about the Provost's Advisory Committee on Academic Scheduling including its membership, charge, guiding principles, and exception policy.

Schedule of Classes

Access the system wherein complete course details are viewable.

Schedulers Training Manual

This training manual provides the basic steps for schedulers involved with preparing the Schedule of Classes.

Scheduling Grids

Guidelines and processes for the management of instructional space.

Study Abroad Course Scheduling

Instructions and Banner codes necessary for the proper set-up of courses for study abroad programs.


With limited classroom space on campus, the need for effective classroom scheduling across the Institute is more important than ever. To address this challenge, the Registrar’s Office launched a new classroom scheduling optimization tool, 25Live, in October 2024 that was utilized for Spring 2025 semester classroom assignments.  25Live uses a complex algorithm of factors to schedule rooms. All courses are considered equally and concurrently.  There are various factors considered such as instructors teaching back-to-back classes (the software will schedule in the same building if possible) and maximum enrollment for classes compared with the number of seats in a classroom.  Both official accommodation requests and exception requests will continue to be taken into consideration by schedulers; the implementation of 25Live does not negate these existing policies. 

The tool was implemented as part of a three-pronged solution that includes the ongoing conversion of event spaces into classroom-compatible spaces and the refurbishment of outdated classrooms. Efforts were guided by the Strategic Growth Management Steering Committee and the Provost’s Advisory Committee on Academic Scheduling, which includes a group of administrators and faculty, as well as graduate student representatives, from Colleges and units across the Institute. 

The Office of the Provost has created a feedback form for use by anyone in the campus community affected by classroom scheduling. Faculty and staff feedback is invited through this form.  Feedback from these efforts will be taken into consideration to improve future scheduling iterations.