Transfer Credit Policies

Georgia Tech accepts credit for coursework as listed on the transfer equivalency table online at If the course is not listed on the transfer equivalency site, the course must be submitted for review to Transfer Credit site.

  1. New Undergraduate Students should submit official transcripts to the Office of Undergraduate Admission prior to transfer credit review by the Office of the Registrar.
    • New students must request that an official transcript from all previously attended colleges be sent electronically or mailed to the Admissions Office. E-Transcripts are preferred, please follow instructions:

      Georgia Institute of Technology
      Undergraduate Admissions Office
      Atlanta GA, 30332-0320

  2. Current or previously enrolled undergraduate Georgia Tech students must have an official college transcript from each previous institution is required for application review. Send transcripts electronically from the University Registrar through an approved service (e.g. Parchment, National Student Clearinghouse, SCOIR, etc.). Select "Georgia Tech" or "Georgia Institute of Technology" as the recipient of the document. If electronic delivery is not available, please mail the transcript to our office.

    Georgia Institute of Technology
    Office of the Registrar
    Transfer Credit
    Atlanta GA, 30332-0315.

  3. The basic policy regarding the acceptance of the courses by transfer is to allow credit for courses completed with satisfactory grades (C or better) in other accredited colleges provided the courses correspond in time and content to courses offered at the Georgia Institute of Technology. For courses taken pass/fail at other institutions, our assumption in awarding credit is that a Pass is equivalent to a C. Georgia Tech assumes responsibility for the academic quality of any work or credit recorded on the institution's transcript. Transfer credits will be accepted from newly-formed institutions of the University System of Georgia prior to accreditation.
  4. Georgia Tech will not award credit for courses successfully completed at another institution which were previously taken at Georgia Tech.
  5. A petition to the faculty must be approved to use course work more than ten years old.
  6. Georgia Tech reserves the right to test the proficiency of any student in course work transferred from other institutions and to disallow credit in courses in which the student cannot demonstrate acceptable proficiency.
  7. Georgia Tech does not grant credit for the College Level General Educational Development Tests, CLEP, USAFI courses, or courses completed at any United States armed services, with the exception of the military academies and schools with full accreditation.
  8. Georgia Tech does not grant credit for professional certificate programs.
  9. The following items are among other circumstances in which non-resident credit is not granted:
    • Courses previously completed at Georgia Tech.
    • College courses taken to meet freshman admissions requirements.
    • Remedial courses.
    • Courses basically secondary school or pre-college level.
    • Courses with essentially non-academic content.
    • Vocational courses.
    • Continuing Education.
    • Learning support courses.
  10. Non-resident credit is not computed as a part of the student's grade point average at Georgia Tech. Georgia Tech transfers credits, not grades. Grades for courses completed at other institutions are not calculated into the Georgia Tech GPA.

Official policies regarding transfer credit are published in the Catalog.

Transfer Credit at the Undergraduate Level

Transfer Credit at the Graduate Level