Transfer Credit

Georgia Tech accepts credit for coursework as listed on the transfer equivalency table online at If the course is not listed on the transfer equivalency site, the course must be submitted for review to Transfer Credit site.

Viewing Transfer Credit

Once an official transcript is received, it is processed by the Registrar's Office, and the awarded credit is posted to the student's academic record. Posted credit may be viewed immediately on the student's BuzzPort account by following the directions below. Student's should verify that credit has been posted before requesting a duplicate transcript.

  1. Log into OSCAR
  2. Go to STUDENTS tab
  3. Select Transfer Credit Information (bottom right icon)
  4. Select "Transfer Credit"


Major Policies

  1. Only official transcripts from other schools may be used to evaluate and/or award credit.
    • New Undergraduate Students: New students must request that an official transcript from all previously attended colleges be sent electronically or mailed to the Admissions Office. E-Transcripts are preferred. Please follow instructions here:
    • Current or Previously Enrolled Undergraduate: Georgia Tech students must have an official college transcript from each previous institution. Send transcripts electronically from the University Registrar through an approved service (e.g. Parchment, National Student Clearinghouse, SCOIR, etc.). Select "Georgia Tech" or "Georgia Institute of Technology" as the recipient of the document. If electronic delivery is not available, please mail the transcript to the Registrar’s Office.

      Georgia Institute of Technology      
      Office of the Registrar      
      Transfer Credit      
      Atlanta GA, 30332-0315.

  2. The basic policy regarding the acceptance of the courses by transfer is to allow credit for courses completed with satisfactory grades (C or better) in other accredited colleges provided the courses correspond in course credit and content comparable to courses offered at the Georgia Institute of Technology. For courses taken pass/fail at other institutions, our assumption in awarding credit is that a Pass is equivalent to a C. Georgia Tech assumes responsibility for the academic quality of any work or credit recorded on the institution's transcript. Transfer credits will not be accepted from schools that do not hold accreditation
  3. Georgia Tech will not award credit for courses successfully completed at another institution which were previously taken at Georgia Tech, except attempts which resulted in withdraw (W)
  4. A petition to the faculty must be approved to use course work more than ten years old. Students will work with their academic advisor for guidance in submitting a petition to the faculty.
  5. Georgia Tech reserves the right to test the proficiency of any student in course work transferred from other institutions and to disallow credit in courses in which the student cannot demonstrate acceptable proficiency.
  6. Credit by exam listed on a previous institution’s transcript will only be awarded at the time of admission to Georgia Tech.
  7. Georgia Tech does not grant credit for the College Level General Educational Development Tests, CLEP, USAFI courses, or courses completed at any United States armed services, with the exception of the military academies and schools with full accreditation.
  8. Georgia Tech does not grant credit for professional certificate programs.
  9. The following items are among other circumstances in which non-resident credit is not granted:
    • Courses previously completed at Georgia Tech. The Institute will not accept credit for courses successfully completed at another institution but previously taken at Georgia Tech unless the final grade received at Georgia Tech is a “W.”
    • Remedial courses.
    • Courses basically secondary school or pre-college level.
    • Courses with essentially non-academic content.
    • Vocational courses.
    • Learning support courses.
  10. Non-resident credit is not computed as a part of the student's grade point average at Georgia Tech. Georgia Tech transfers credits, not grades. Grades for courses completed at other institutions are not calculated into the Georgia Tech GPA.
Transfer Credit for Online Courses

Georgia Tech accepts credit for coursework completed online. If the course is not listed on the transfer equivalency table, the course must be submitted for review to the Transfer Credit Site. Students must be an accepted GT student or current GT student to use the Transfer Credit site for course review.

If the transfer equivalency table states: No Credit for Online Section, students will need to submit a syllabus for the course to be reviewed. Please allow time for review and the update on the equivalency table. 


Current Students

Transient Students

A Transient Student is any student enrolled at Georgia Tech who take a course at a different institution. Students may attend another institution as a transient student during terms when not enrolled at Georgia Tech. With the exception of officially sanctioned cross-enrolled programs, students are not to be enrolled at Georgia Tech and another institution during the same term without prior approval. Students are responsible for discussing their course selection with their academic advisor to ensure transferability and applicability toward their degree programs.

  1. Students who are enrolled at Georgia Tech may not receive credit for courses completed at another institution during the same academic term, except during the Summer term. A student must apply in advance for permission to be concurrently registered at both Georgia Tech and another institution, except during Summer term, by submitting a Petition to the Faculty.
  2. A course cannot be taken as a transient student if previously taken at Georgia Tech, except attempts which resulted in withdraw (W).
  3. No student may be considered a degree candidate unless the final 36 credit hours required for the degree are earned in residence at Georgia Tech and approved by the major school.
  4. Transient credit is subject to all Georgia Tech transfer credit policies.
  5. Courses will be reviewed upon return during the articulation process. Georgia Tech students are responsible for verifying the courses taken elsewhere will transfer back to Georgia Tech by reviewing transfer course information on the Transfer Equivalency Chart.
  6. Transient (non-resident) credit is not computed as a part of the student’s grade point average.

Once a student has completed a course at another institution, they must send an official transcript to the Registrar’s Office before credit can be awarded. Transcripts should be sent via electronic submission OR Georgia Institute of Technology, Office of the Registrar, Atlanta, Georgia, 30332-0315

More information can be found on the GT Students Attending Other Schools page.

Concurrent Enrollment

Students may not take courses at Georgia Tech and another institution during the Fall and Spring terms. This includes courses taken during a Winter Term of another institution that overlap with Georgia Tech's Fall or Spring terms. Fall and Spring Term dates can be found on the Institute Calendar.

Additional rules and regulations regarding Concurrent Enrollment can be found in the Catalog.

Questions regarding Concurrent Enrollment can be sent to the Registrar's Office at

Residency Rule

No student may be considered a candidate for a degree unless the final 36 credit hours required for the degree are earned in residence at Georgia Tech and approved by the major school.

This is Policy B under Undergraduate Degrees Rules and Regulations in the Catalog.


Newly Admitted Students

Once a student has been admitted, they should follow the Next Steps provided by the Admission Office. Part of this process is sending official AP/IB/Test Scores and sending Official Transcripts for all institutions previously attended. Credit will not be awarded before an official transcript with final grades is received.

Once an official transcript is received, it is processed by the Registrar’s Office, and the awarded credit is posted to the student's academic record. That credit may be viewed immediately after it is processed. Student’s should review their account to verify that the credit has been awarded before requesting a duplicate transcript. Student’s can view their Tentative Evaluation of College Transfer Credit by following the "Viewing Transfer Credit" directions below. Allow 2 to 4 weeks for transfer credit to load after an official GT Admission Offer. Additional time may be required during peak times in June and July. 

  1. Log into OSCAR
  2. Go to STUDENTS tab
  3. Select Transfer Credit Information (bottom right icon)
  4. Select "Transfer Credit"

In order to assure a successful transition to Georgia Tech, students will need to follow the important information listed below.

  1. If classes are missing from the initial transfer credit entry, please first verify receipt of all official transcripts online in BuzzPort. If receipt of official transcripts has been confirmed and courses are missing, please contact the Office of Undergraduate Admission.
  2. If any courses on the transfer credit evaluation are listed as "Approp Department Must Evaluate," the student will need to submit course documents to the Transfer Credit site for review. It is the student responsibility to have transfer work evaluated prior to registration for the term of enrollment. Failure to have coursework evaluated in a timely manner may result in registration restrictions due to lack of pre-requisites.
  3. Additional information about advising and registration can be found at the FASET web site.
  4. Courses transferred by the Institute are subject to approval by the major department.
The Evaluation Process

A student who has received an offer of admission and who wishes to request transfer credit for a course that is not listed on Georgia Tech's transfer equivalency table must submit a course evaluation request through the transfer credit evaluation website by the deadlines listed below. These requests are reviewed for approval by the appropriate academic department.

It should be noted that review of requested transfer credit does not always result in transfer credit approval. Any questions regarding this policy should be sent to the Registrar's Office at

Admitted students who do not submit course materials for review by the deadlines listed below should remain aware that the decision on transferability of the course and the determination of its equivalency at Georgia Tech may not be completed in time to impact registration decisions for the first term of enrollment. Students are expected to plan accordingly and work with academic advisors.

The deadlines for submitting a course for transfer credit evaluation to guarantee time for department and faculty review prior to FASET or first day of the term are:

Term of Intended EnrollmentDeadline for Submission
FallJuly 15
SpringNovember 15
SummerApril 1
Transfer Credit Evaluations

This course evaluation request website is intended for current undergraduate Georgia Tech students and new first year or transfer students after and Admission Offer is received. Graduate students and graduate-level applicants do not use this site. Instead, consult the "Graduate Policies and Regulations" page of the Catalog and the Academic Advisor for guidance.

Before logging into the transfer credit evaluation site and requesting a transfer course review, students will need to have a course syllabus and description in electronic format for each course being evaluated. The course syllabus and description are the basis of the evaluation. Georgia Tech cannot process the transfer request without them.

Each syllabus must meet the following criteria to receive an evaluation:

  1. Must be from the term in which enrolled in the course
  2. Includes the name of the professor and contact information.
  3. Includes textbook information (name of textbook, author, edition, year)
  4. Includes grading scale
  5. Includes a detailed schedule of weekly topics covered in the course; this is especially important for Computer Science, Engineering, Math, and Lab Science courses.

Some courses may require additional information:

  1. English 1101/1102 - Students submitting evaluation requests must show proof of writing assignments. Proof can include assignment sheets or writing samples. A 15 to 20 page writing assignment (ENGL 1101) or a 20 to 30 page writing assignment (ENGL 1102). Additional information about English 1101/1102 transfer evaluations can be found on the Admission website.
  2. Lab Science Courses - Students must submit a lab syllabus if the lab and lecture sections are not combined in a single syllabus. If the two sections are in one syllabus, the student only needs to upload the single document. Many courses require students to complete the class and lab to receive credit at GT.

After submitting the request, the Registrar's Office will review the submission to determine if the documentation is sufficient for review by the academic department. If the documentation is insufficient, the Registrar's Office will return the request to the student with a note indicating what is lacking in from the original request and next steps for a successful submission.

Students may follow the progression of transfer request(s) in the transfer credit evaluation site.

After the evaluation is moved to Complete status, students may log in to the transfer credit equivalency site and view the final equivalency from the department. There will be one of three outcomes:

  1. Credit awarded (Policy) - the department awarded the listed credit and the course will appear on the transfer equivalency table for future students
  2. Credit awarded (Not Policy) - the department awarded credit under special circumstances on a one-time basis and the course will not be added to the transfer equivalency table
  3. ET NOGT - the department determined that the course is not equivalent to any course at Georgia Tech and cannot award credit 
Transfer Courses with "X" in the Course Number

Georgia Tech will award elective credit for courses taken at another institution that match the academic rigor of courses at Georgia Tech but do not match the content of courses offered at Georgia Tech. These courses will be awarded elective credit.

Common elective courses awarded are HUM 1XXX/2XXX, SS 1XXX/2XXX, and FREE 1XXX. Department specific elective credit may also be awarded such as PHYS 2XXX, BIOS 1XXX, etc.

These courses are considered elective credit and do not directly replace a Georgia Tech course. For example, PHYS 2XXX is not equal to any 2000-level physics course.

Students will need to work with their academic advisors to determine how the elective credit can be used to meet degree requirements.

Georgia Tech also awards Transfer Math Credit. Transfer Math is awarded when the content of the transfer course aligns with Georgia Tech’s course but is not equivalent in credit hours (ex. Multivariable Calculus course completed was 3 credit hours but Georgia Tech’s course is 4 credit hours). If a student earns credit for a Transfer Math Course, they will need to work with their academic advisor to ensure they are meeting all math hour requirements for their degree.

Common Transfer Math Courses:

  1. 1X51 Transfer Differential Calc
  2. 1X52 Transfer Integral Calc
  3. 1X53 Transfer Intro Linear Algebra
  4. 1X54 Transfer Linear Algebra
  5. 2X51 Transfer Multivariable Calc
  6. 2X52 Transfer Differential Equations

For more information on transfer math courses, please visit the Mathematics Course Equivalencies page.


Prospective Students with Transfer Credit

Prospective first year or transfer students should utilize Georgia Tech’s Transfer resources to help ensure course transferability or admission requirements will be met.

  1. The Transfer Equivalency Table lists all transfer courses that have current equivalent courses at Georgia Tech. Students should review the Equivalency Table to confirm they are taking courses that will transfer to Georgia Tech or fulfill admission requirements.
  2. If a course is not listed on the Transfer Equivalency Table, an official evaluation will be required after an admission offer is received.
    1. Students should retain the syllabus and course materials for any course requiring an evaluation. The syllabus will be required for the review process. Faculty may request coursework or additional information as part of the review.
  3. The Admissions Office will provide guidance on course evaluations if required.
  4. GT Registrar's Office will not review courses prior to an Admission Offer. 
  5. The Transfer Equivalency Table is not static. There are changes based on faculty review of transfer courses.
  6. If the student receives a Pathway Admission Offer, please refer to the Undergraduate Admission Pathway Program for detail information about the process.      

Education Abroad/International Credit

Students wishing to study abroad should first visit Office of International Education to view available programs and policies. Georgia Tech Education Abroad programs have their own transfer credit rules and policies.

All Georgia Tech Education Abroad programs will be evaluated and awarded credit based on OIE’s procedure.

Non-GT Study Abroad

Courses taken during Non-GT approved Study Abroad and Exchange programs are subject to all Transfer Credit policies. If the international institution and/or course is not listed on the Equivalency Table, students will be required to submit a comprehensive course-by-course assessment as well as a grade point average (GPA) equivalent evaluation with an official transcript. A list of approved credit evaluation service providers is available on the National Association of Credential Evaluation Services website. Credit is dependent on the evaluation and the Registrar’s Office will not evaluate non-GT Abroad credit before an official transcript and foreign credit evaluation are received.

International Summer Programs

Georgia Institute of Technology does not accept credit from International Summer Programs, including but not limited to: Sichuan University, Xian Jiaotong University, Shanghai Jiao Tong, Yonsei, KAIST, Korea University. If there are any questions about international transfer institution contact

International Transfer Credit

Information about transferring to Georgia Tech as an international student can be found on the Admission website