

Core Curriculum

The courses that can be used to satisfy the various area requirements are subject to change, and will be updated as soon as possible. Students and advisors are encourage to check this section of the Catalog regularly to obtain the most current information.

General Education Mission Statement

General Education (Core Curriculum) at the Georgia Institute of Technology is essential to the development of our extraordinary students beyond the deeply rigorous technical and applied education they receive.

General Education at Georgia Tech is designed to produce students who are:

  • Mathematically, scientifically, and technically competent;
  • Competent in information research;
  • Literate in reading, writing, and presenting; and
  • Literate in the use of technology.

Georgia Tech General Education is also designed to produce students who are able to:

  • Think critically and
  • Effectively collaborate with others.

Additionally, it strives to:

  • Enhance students' awareness of scientific values and ethics;
  • Enable them to articulate their personal and social values and how these values are shaped by the world around them;
  • Encourage them to examine individual and social behaviors; and
  • Develop their ability to effectively work in group settings.

General Education at Georgia Tech seeks to develop students who have an appreciation for technology, society, and their interaction and to produce students who will utilize these talents to substantially impact the future as leaders and lifelong learners.

Learning Outcomes

The following learning outcomes were approved by the Undergraduate Curriculum Committee at Georgia Tech and by the USG Council on General Education in April 2011.

Learning Goal A1 - Communication

  • Student will demonstrate proficiency in the process of articulating and organizing rhetorical arguments in written, oral, visual, and nonverbal modes, using concrete support and conventional language. See the Catalog for a list of courses that meet Core Area A1 - Communication.

Learning Goal A2: Quantitative

  • Student will demonstrate the ability to apply basic elements of differential and integral calculus to solve relevant problems. See the Catalog for a list of courses that meet Core Area A2 - Quantitative.

Learning Goal B: Institutional Options

  • Student will be able to develop algorithms and implement them using an appropriate computer language and will understand algorithmic complexity and reasonable versus unreasonable algorithms. See the Catalog for a list of courses that meet Core Area B - Institutional Options.

Learning Goal C: - Humanities, Fine Arts, and Ethics

  • Student will be able to describe relationships among languages, philosophies, cultures, literature, ethics, or the arts. See the Catalog for a list of courses that meet Core Area C.

Learning Goal D: Natural Sciences, Math, and Technology

  • Student will be able to demonstrate the ability to obtain, analyze, interpret, and criticize qualitative observations and quantitative measurements to explain natural phenomena and to test hypotheses. See the Catalog for a list of courses that meet the Core Area D - Natural Sciences, Math, and Technology.

Learning Goal E: Social Sciences

  • Student will demonstrate the ability to describe the social, political, and economic forces that influence social behavior. See the Catalog for a list of courses that meet Core Area E.

Learning Goal F: Lower-Division Major Requirements

  • It is expected that there will be 18 hours of lower division requirements in each major.

Constitution and History Requirements

  • The Georgia law as amended March 4, 1953, requires that before receiving an undergraduate degree all students pass an examination or a comparable course in United States and Georgia history/constitution. See the Catalog for a list of courses that meet the Constitution and History Requirements.

Wellness Requirement

  • All undergraduate students attending Georgia Tech must satisfactorily complete a wellness requirement (APPH 1040 or APPH 1050 or equivalent).