Veterans Benefits

Types of Veterans Benefits

The Department of Veterans Affairs administers a variety of education benefit programs. Many Veterans and active duty personnel can qualify for educational benefits. Currently, Georgia Tech participates in the following programs:

Starting the Use of G.I. Bill® Education Benefits

GI Bill® is a registered trademark of the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs (VA).  More information about education benefits offered by VA is available at the official U.S. government website at" 

To start using GI Bill® education benefits, you must already be formally admitted to Georgia Institute of Technology. If you are a prospective student and need information about applying to Georgia Institute of Technology, please see the Office of Undergraduate Admissions. Individuals wanting to utilize GI Bill® education benefits are admitted by the same standards as regular students. If you haven't already applied to use GI Bill® education benefits, please plan on applying at least two months before the start of your first term at Georgia Tech.

Information for first-time G.I. Bill® applicants

If you have already applied for G.I. Bill® education benefits...

Once a student applies for education benefits, the DVA sends a certificate of eligibility (COE) letter stating the type of benefit awarded and the terms of eligibility under that benefit. A copy of the COE letter must be submitted to the School Certifying Official (SCO).  Upload documents here: Registrar’s Office Document Upload Portal

If you need to apply for G.I. Bill® education benefits...

If you are the veteran yourself...

Veterans attending Georgia Tech must apply for benefits on the GI Bill® web site. Once a student applies for education benefits, the DVA sends a certificate of eligibility (COE) letter stating the type of benefit awarded and the terms of eligibility under that benefit. A copy of the COE letter must be submitted to the School Certifying Official.  Upload documents here: Registrar’s Office Document Upload Portal

If you are the dependent or spouse of the veteran...

A veteran may transfer Ch 33 Post 9/11 GI Bill® benefits to a family member with the approval of the DoD. Information regarding transfer of benefits can be found here.

U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs

Once the DoD approves the transfer of benefits, the family member must submit VA Form 22-1990e, the Application for Family Member to Use Transferred Benefits.

VA Form 22-1990e

The form may be submitted to the VA online,


or by mail to the following address:

Department of Veterans Affairs   
VA Regional Office   
PO Box 8888   
Muskogee, OK 74402-8888

Once the family member applies for education benefits, the VA sends a Certificate of Eligibility (COE) letter stating the type of benefit awarded and the terms of eligibility under that benefit. A copy of the COE letter must be submitted to the School Certifying Official (SCO) via fax (404-894-0167) or e-mail (

Information for those transferring G.I. Bill® benefits to Georgia Tech

Students who have used G.I. Bill® education benefits at another college or university must fill out VA Form 22-1995, Request for Change of Program or Place of Training.

VA Form 22-1995

The form may be submitted to the VA online,


or by mail to the following address:

Department of Veterans Affairs   
VA Regional Office   
PO Box 8888   
Muskogee, OK 74402-8888

A copy of the Certificate of Eligibility (COE) letter must be submitted to the School Certifying Official (SCO).  Upload documents here: Registrar’s Office Document Upload Portal 

Information for those signing up for Yellow Ribbon benefits

Formally admitted students who are eligible and who have already sent a copy of their certificate of eligibility (COE) letter to the SCO may be added to either the Yellow Ribbon participant list or the waiting list. Yellow Ribbon is given on a first come, first serve basis. If all 45 participant slots are taken when a student completes the participation request form the student will be placed on a waitlist until a slot becomes available.

Post-9/11 G.I. Bill Yellow Ribbon Program

The participation request form is submitted only one time, and once a student is given a participant slot for Yellow Ribbon, the student is eligible to receive it until they exhaust their Ch 33 benefits, graduates, or stops attending Georgia Tech (loses registration eligibility from absence).

Yellow Ribbon participation is limited because Georgia Tech is approved by the University System of Georgia to award out-of-state tuition differential waivers to assess in-state tuition for certain nonresidents of Georgia for the certain reasons and under certain conditions. We encourage all student veterans and dependents using veteran benefits to review their eligibility for these waivers.