
Readmission Policy

The readmission form requires payment of a $30.00 fee.

Effective Summer 2022, Georgia Tech's Readmission policy is updated to allow students to sit out two consecutive terms without requiring Readmission.

The new readmission rule is effective Summer 2022. This means that any student who decided to sit out (not enroll) in Summer 2022 is operating under the old rule that allows for one term out (Summer counts) before readmission is required. The new rule is not retroactive. Students must enroll at least once under the new Catalog for the new policy to apply.

Authoritative information regarding withdrawal and readmission is published under Rules & Regulations VIII in the Catalog.

Catalog: Rules & Regulations VIII

Readmission after being away for three or more consecutive terms

A student who for any reason has remained out of school for three or more consecutive terms (Summer term counts), must apply for readmission.

Catalog Year

Students are readmitted under the current catalog that is in effect at the time of readmission. If a student wishes to follow the degree requirements from a catalog in effect prior to the term of readmission, they must make a request to the Major School. There is no guarantee that such a request will be granted and readmitted students should be prepared to follow the current degree requirements as outlined in the current catalog. Readmitted students should also be aware of the 10-year rule.

Catalog: Rules & Regulations XIII

Readmission Form Deadlines*
FallJuly 1
SpringDecember 1
SummerApril 1

*Students with academic standing of "drop" or "review" have earlier deadlines. See below.

The readmission process requires all applicants to complete the application form and submit a payment of $30.00. Applicants may also be required to upload supporting documents such as lawful presence verification or a petition to the faculty as part of the application.

Immunization Requirements

The Board of Regents of the University System of Georgia requires all students to submit immunization records prior to registration for classes. Please visit Click on "Immunization Requirements" and follow the step by step instructions on submitting the correct immunization forms. It is very important to upload the immunization documents as instructed. This will expedite the processing of your immunization forms. If you have any questions concerning this process, please contact Stamps Health Services at Georgia Tech at 404-894-1432.

Lawful Presence Requirement

In accordance with University System of Georgia policy, students admitted to Georgia Tech must verify their lawful presence in the United States prior to enrollment.

Lawful Presence

Readmission after being academically dismissed

A student who has been academically dismissed once for unsatisfactory grades must remain out of school for at least one term. The student must also submit a completed readmission form, petition to the faculty, and readmission contract. Students should contact an advisor in the major to which they want to apply to create the readmission contract before submitting the contract to the Registrar's Office. If a student is required to attend another school as a condition of readmission to Georgia Tech, they should be aware that in no case will credit be allowed (except by examination) for courses repeated at another institution that have previously been taken at Georgia Tech.

A student who has been academically dismissed twice for unsatisfactory grades will not be readmitted.

Catalog: Rules & Regulations VIII

These are Institute requirements. Individual academic departments may have more restrictive rules. Please contact your major school.

Academic Advisement

Readmission Form Deadlines for Students with Academic Standing of "Drop" or "Review"
FallJune 1
SpringOctober 1
SummerFebruary 1

The readmission process requires all applicants to complete the application form and submit a payment of $30.00. Applicants may also be required to upload supporting documents such as lawful presence verification as part of the application.

Automatic Hold

A student on academic warning or probation who is not enrolled for a single term will have an automatic hold placed on their registration. This hold must be cleared by the student’s major school before she/he is allowed to register.

Immunization Requirements

The Board of Regents of the University System of Georgia requires all students to submit immunization records prior to registration for classes. Please visit Click on "Immunization Requirements" and follow the step by step instructions on submitting the correct immunization forms. It is very important to upload the immunization documents as instructed. This will expedite the processing of your immunization forms. If you have any questions concerning this process, please contact Stamps Health Services at Georgia Tech at 404-894-1432.

Lawful Presence Requirement

In accordance with University System of Georgia policy, students admitted to Georgia Tech must verify their lawful presence in the United States prior to enrollment.

Lawful Presence

Readmission Form

Petition to the Faculty

Readmission Contract

Readmission after having withdrawn for one term

With the exception of part-time graduate students, any student who withdraws during a term and wishes to return the following term must complete a Petition to the Faculty Form only. A readmission form is not required

Petition to the Faculty

Lawful Presence

Failure to provide this information will make you ineligible to register for classes and enroll at Georgia Tech.

In accordance with University System of Georgia policy, students admitted to Georgia Tech must verify their lawful presence in the United States prior to enrollment.

Deferred Action Status

Students in Deferred Action status do not qualify for enrollment based on USG policy.

U.S. Citizens

Students who submit the FAFSA do not need to submit additional documentation unless requested. International students who hold or apply for a visa do not need to submit additional documentation unless requested.

We ask that you please submit a copy of any one of the following documents to Registrar’s Office Document Upload Portal. You will not be allowed to register for classes until your lawful presence is verified.

  • A current Driver's License issued by the State of Georgia. Temporary/interim paper licenses and licenses marked “limited term” are not acceptable. We require the front and back side of your Driver's License.
  • A current Driver's License issued by a U.S. state that issues REAL ID compliant licenses. Only unexpired licenses with the REAL ID symbol may be accepted. Review a list of eligible states and the requirements for acceptance here. We require the front and back side of your Driver's License. 
  • A copy of an original or certified U.S. birth certificate issued by a state, county, municipal authority, or territory of the United States bearing an official seal. The copy must clearly show the raised or written seal to be acceptable. Copies that are not clear or do not show the seal cannot be accepted.
  • A copy of an original or certified Puerto Rican birth certificate issued by the General Vital Statistics Office of Puerto Rico on or after July 1, 2010. 
  • A current ID issued by the State of Georgia after January 1, 2008.
  • A U.S. Certificate of Naturalization (USCIS form N-550 or N-570).
  • A U.S. Certificate of Citizenship (USCIS form N-560 or N-561).
  • A U.S. Certificate of Birth Abroad issued by the Department of State (DS1350) or a Consular Report of Birth Abroad (FS-240).
  • A current U.S. Passport.
  • A current military ID (service member only, not dependent)
  • A current, valid Permanent Resident Card (USCIS form I-151 or I-551)

Non U.S. Citizens

If you are a U.S. Permanent Resident, please provide a front and back copy of your current, valid Permanent Resident Card (USCIS form I-151 or I551).

If you are a pending U.S. Permanent Resident, please provide a copy of your pending I-485 receipt notice and your current visa. If you have a temporary work card, please send us a copy.

If you are a non-U.S. citizen U.S. visa-holder, please provide a copy of your current immigration and visa documentation so we can verify your status through the Systematic Alien Verification for Entitlements (SAVE) Program. These may include:

  • I-327 (Reentry Permit)
  • I-571 (Refugee Travel Document)
  • I-766 (Employment Authorization Card)
  • Machine Readable Immigration Visa (with Temporary I-551 Language)
  • Temporary I-551 Stamp (on passport or I-94)
  • I-94 (Arrival/Departure Record)
  • I-94 (Arrival Departure Record) in unexpired foreign passport
  • Unexpired foreign passport
  • I-20 (Certificate of Eligibility for Nonimmigrant [F-1] Student Status)
  • DS2019 (Certificate of Eligibility for Exchange Visitor [J-1] Status)

If you are (or will be) an F-1 or J-1 visa holder, you must complete the OIE Check-in Process.  More information about this process is available online at

Readmission Form

We are currently accepting applications for readmission for the Summer 2025 and Fall 2025 semesters.

Do not begin more than one application unless you are instructed to do so by a representative from the Office of the Registrar. Beginning more than one application may result in a delay in the processing of your readmission.

The option to apply for readmission for the Spring 2026 semester will be available on June 1, 2025.

Apply now:                                 

Summer 2025                  

Fall 2025                  

The readmission application requires payment of a $30.00 fee.

Any student who is not enrolled for three or more consecutive terms (counting Summer Session) must apply for readmission. This application, with all the pertinent supporting information, must be submitted to the Office of the Registrar before the deadline for the academic term for which readmission is requested.       

Readmission is not guaranteed. Schools/Colleges must recommend readmission for any student wishing to return in majors under their jurisdiction.

Readmission Policy


Note that there is an earlier deadline for students with an academic standing of "Drop" or "Review". Applications received after these deadlines will not be accepted.          

* Drop/Review deadline is for applications from students with an Academic Standing of "Drop" or "Review"
TermGeneral DeadlineDrop/Review Deadline *
FallJuly 1June 1
SpringDecember 1October 1
SummerApril 1February 1


An initial application for readmission and the accompanying $30 application fee are valid for three consecutive semesters. A student may request through the major school/college a deferral to one of the later terms within the three-semester period without the need to submit a new application and fee. Should the student not enroll in one of the three semesters covered by the initial application, the student must submit a new application and fee for a future term. The three-semester policy begins anew with each application and fee.       

Example: a student applies/pays and is approved for readmission for Summer 2024. She decides not to enroll in Summer 2024. She may request through her major school/college a deferral of the readmission to either Fall 2024 or Spring 2025 without the need for a new application and fee. If the student does not enroll in Summer 2024, Fall 2024, or Spring 2025, she must submit a new application and fee for readmission for Summer 2025 or beyond.       

Deferrals are not automatic or guaranteed. Students must request a deferral through the major school/college.

Academic Renewal Procedures

Students who have been out for three or more consecutive terms (counting Summer Session) must apply for readmission. Students who are on first or second dismissal must apply for readmission. Readmission is not guaranteed. If the student has been out for 3 or more years, they may be eligible for academic renewal.

  1. University System of Georgia undergraduate students who have been readmitted or reinstated after a period of absence of three (3) calendar years or longer are eligible for academic renewal. Academic renewal for the student signals the initiation of a new grade point average to be used for determining academic standing. This provision allows University System of Georgia degree-seeking students who earlier experienced academic difficulty to make a fresh start and have one final opportunity to earn an associate or bachelor's degree (BR Minutes, June, 1995, p. 7). The complete policy is available online at in the University System of Georgia Academic Affairs Handbook
  2. The application for academic renewal shall be considered as a petition to the undergraduate curriculum committee.
    • If the student requests Academic Renewal and readmission at the same time, Academic Renewal takes effect in the same term as readmission.
    • If the student has already been readmitted and applies for academic renewal within the allowed timeframe (see below), they need submit only a petition to the faculty to request academic renewal. Academic renewal takes effect in the term following the approval.
      • If a student does not request Academic Renewal status at the time of re-enrollment after a three-year or greater period of absence, the student may do so within three semesters of re-enrollment or within one calendar year, whichever comes first. The Renewal GPA begins with the semester following re- enrollment. At Georgia Tech, there is no separate GPA calculated, rather, the term GPA going forward is what is used to determine academic standing.
    • If the student was not on drop status in their last term at Tech, they need to complete the readmission form and submit it to the major school and then to the Registrar's Office. After readmission has been granted, the student must submit a petition to the faculty to their major school through the usual petition process to request academic renewal.
    • If the student was on first drop in their last term at Tech, they need to complete the readmission form along with two petitions to the faculty. The first petition is to request readmission after a first drop. The second is to request academic renewal. The major school should provide a contract, as they normally do for readmission after a first drop. The contract would apply if the request for readmission is approved, but the request for academic renewal is not. If the request for academic renewal is approved, the student is readmitted and instead of meeting the terms of the contract, would have to meet the minimum grade point average for their class standing for each term. Academic standing will be based solely on the term GPA. The normal requirements for academic standing would then apply.
      • Students who only wish to be readmitted if academic renewal is approved: Submit the petition for academic renewal and the readmission application.
      • Students who are interested in readmission, whether or not academic renewal is approved: Submit the petition for academic renewal, the readmission application, and the readmission contract.
    • If the student was on second drop in their last term at Tech, they need to complete the readmission form along with two petitions to the faculty. The first petition is to request readmission after a second drop. The second is to request academic renewal. The major school should provide a contract, as they normally do for readmission after a second drop. The contract would apply if the request for readmission is approved, but the request for academic renewal is not. If the request for academic renewal is approved, the student is readmitted and instead of meeting the terms of the contract, would have to meet the minimum grade point average for their class standing for each term. Academic standing will be based solely on the term GPA. The normal requirements for academic standing would then apply.
      • Students who only wish to be readmitted if academic renewal is approved: Submit the petition for academic renewal and the readmission application.
      • Students who are interested in readmission, whether or not academic renewal is approved: Submit the petition for academic renewal, the readmission application, and the readmission contract.

Academic Renewal Checklist

This checklist is intended to assist academic advisors and students in the process of determining eligibility for academic renewal. This is a rather complex policy that contains many conditions that should be reviewed and considered before an application is submitted.

Academic Advisement

Vision: Undergraduate academic advising at Georgia Tech will help students to become successful and responsible global citizens who make meaningful contributions in their communities.

Mission: Undergraduate academic advising at Georgia Tech provides respectful, responsive, informed support for students to identify and achieve their academic and professional goals.  Advisors will clearly communicate and collaborate with students to navigate institutional structures and connect with resources on campus.