Time Tickets

Time Tickets

Time Tickets

Students are assigned a specific time slot during which they may register. This time slot is referred to as a "time ticket." Students may view their assigned time ticket on the Web Student Access System. Students may access the "Add/Drop Classes" option only during their time ticket.

Students can view their time ticket information by following the directions below:

  1. Log into BuzzPort
  2. On the Home tab locate the "Registration and Student Services" channel
  3. Select the "Registration - OSCAR" link
  4. Select "Student Services & Financial Aid"
  5. Select "Registration"
  6. Select "Prepare for Registration"
  7. Select the term you wish to view your time ticket from the drop-down menu. 
  8. Select "Continue" 

Time Tickets for Phase I registration are usually assigned the Friday before academic advisement for the next term.

Time Tickets for Phase II registration are usually assigned the Friday following grade processing for the previous term. Refer to the Academic Calendar for specific dates.

Academic Calendar

Time ticket assignment is based on earned hours.

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