Degree Certification Process

Students are expected to apply to graduate the semester before they wish to graduate. Georgia Tech now employs the Online Application for Graduation (OAG) for all its students, both undergraduate and graduate, and students can login to OSCAR to submit their application. Restrictions do apply, and students are advised to read the following information carefully before applying.

OAG Windows

The OAG is only open during set times for each semester's graduation 

Tentative dates for each semester's OAG window are as follows:

Fall Graduation:

  • OAG Window: January 20 - August 25

Spring Graduation

  • OAG Window: September 1 - January 13

Summer Graduation

  • OAG Window: January 20 - May 26

Degree Certification Auditing

The academic department will conduct the first degree audit. The Advisor Audit (first audit) will begin 1-2 weeks following Phase II registration.

Following the Advisor Audit, the Registrar's Office will review all degree candidate records for the 2nd Audit. Any students with deficiencies that cannot be remedied by final grades, will be inactivated, and forced to reapply for the next semester. Students are encouraged to follow their graduation status and work with their advisors in remedying any deficiencies.

Students who are still eligible after the Inactivation Date, will proceed on the final audit the Tuesday following Commencement. Participation in Commencement does not equate into the awarding of degrees. If a student passes through the final audit, their degree will officially be awarded on the Thursday following Commencement.

Graduation Status

All OAG students can check their graduation status in DegreeWorks, under the section entitled Student View.

Degree Audit

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