Below is a list of error messages that you may receive on the Add/Drop screen of the Web Student Access System.
Error | Description | Contact |
CAMPUS RESTRICTION | The course being requested is on a campus other than the campus associated with the student for the registration term. | Registrar |
CLASS RESTRICTION | Enrollment in this course is restricted by class (Freshman, Sophomore, etc.). You can ask for a class restriction permit. | Department |
CLOSED SECTION | The class is full. You need to ask for an overload. | Department |
CLOSED - WAITLIST FULL | No regular or waitlist seats available | Department |
CLOSED - # WAITLISTED | No regular seats available, Waitlist seats available | Registrar |
COHORT RESTRICTION | Enrollment in the course is restricted to a particular cohort of students. You will need to contact the department offering the course for additional information. | Department |
COLLEGE RESTRICTION | The course is being held for students within a specific college | Department |
CORQ_COURSE_XXXX REQ | Co-requisites courses must be taken at the same time. You need to register for both courses on the same commit. | Department |
DUPL CRSE WITH SEC-XXXXX | The computer system looks at subject code (ie. MATH, ENGL, etc.) and course number (2501, 1502, etc.), but not section number. If you are trying to take 2 courses with the same subject code and course number, such as MGT 4803 A and MGT 4803 B, you need a duplicate course permit. | Department |
LEVEL RESTRICTION (Undergrad Students) | Undergraduate Students Who Wish to take a Graduate Level Course An undergraduate student may take a graduate level course with the permission of the department teaching the course, a minimum GPA of 2.7, and be classified as a senior. The student must have the department of instruction enter a permit on their account, and then the student should contact the Registrar's Office to request a LEVEL permit. The Registrar's Office can be contacted at, or in room 104 of the Tech Tower. The email should include the student's full name, gtID#, and the course and CRN for which they are trying to register. Once the Registrar's Office has issued the LEVEL permit, they will instruct the student to register for the course. For information about using the credit toward a degree please, see the Graduate Course Option section of the catalog. | Department & Registrar |
LEVEL RESTRICTION (Grad Students) | Graduate Students Who Wish to take a 1000/2000 Level Course Graduate students who wish to take a 1000 or 2000 level course must obtain a permit from the department teaching the course. The student must have the department of instruction enter a permit on their account, and then come to the Registrar's Office in room 104 of the Tech Tower to have the course added to their schedule. Institute policy allows graduate students to take a 1000 or 2000 level course on a pass/fail or audit basis only. | Department & Registrar |
LINK ERROR XX REQUIRED | Lectures and labs are "linked" together. You must register for both the lecture and lab in the same commit. Most departments list the lecture section as a single letter and the lab as the same letter followed by a number (Example: the lecture is section "A" and the corresponding lab sections are "A1", "A2", etc). | Department |
MAJOR RESTRICTION | Only students in certain majors are allowed to register for this course. | Department |
MAXIMUM HOURS EXCEEDED | Reduce the number of hours on your schedule. See Maximum Hours. | Registrar |
OPEN - RESERVED FOR WAIT LIST | Seats are available, but held for Waitlist | Registrar |
OPEN - WAITLIST FILLED | Regular seats available, but no seats on Waitlist | Registrar |
OPEN - # CROSSLIST WAITLISTED | Crosslist seats available, but Waitlist exists | Registrar |
OPEN - # WAITLISTED | Regular seats available, but Waitlist exists | Registrar |
PERMIT REQUIRED | Enrollment in the course is restricted. You need to ask for a permit. | Department |
PHYSICAL LOCATION | To comply with federal regulations, we need to know where our students are physically located while enrolled. When it is necessary, the registration system will prompt the student to click on a menu item in OSCAR and choose from a drop-down menu the state in which they will be located when taking classes for that term. The registration system will automatically remove the hold when the state information is selected and saved. | Registrar |
PREQ & TEST SCORE-ERROR | Pre-requisites are required for the course. You can talk to the department about a pre-requisite override permit. | Department |
PROGRAM RESTRICTION | Only students in certain programs are allowed to register for this course. | Department |
RESERVE CLOSED | No Reserved seats available, no Waitlist exists | Department |
RESERVE CLOSED - WAITLIST FULL | No Reserved or Waitlist seats available | Department |
RESERVE CLOSED - # ON WAITLIST | No Reserved seats available, Waitlist exists | Registrar |
RESERVE OPEN - WAITLIST FILLED | Reserved seats available, but no seats on Waitlist | Department |
RESERVE OPEN - # ON WAITLIST | Reserved seats available, but Waitlist exists | Registrar |
TIME CONFLICT WITH XXXXX | Courses meet at the same time or have overlapping times. | Department |
WAITLIST NOTIFICATION EXPIRED ON MM/DD/YYYY HH:MM | Regular seats available, but Waitlist notification expired | Registrar |