Spring 2025 Calendar

The academic calendar has been updated for Spring 2025. View the calendar here.

Permit/Overload Departmental Contacts

Below is a list of error messages that you may receive on the Add/Drop screen of OSCAR.

CourseOverloads/Permit Request Web Page or Contact Info
ACCT 2101, 2102

Undergraduates only: non-BSBA majors can register for ACCT courses after we lift major restrictions. For more registration information visit our website: https://www.scheller.gatech.edu/degree-programs/undergraduate/student-services/registration-support.html   

Graduate courses numbered ACCT 6000 or higher: For registration assistance, please send an email with the  course number, title section and CRN along with your  GTID to mbaprogram@scheller.gatech.edu. 

The Scheller College of Business uses the waitlist to manage registration. We do not give permits or overloads. Registration assistance requests can be made here: https://gatech.co1.qualtrics.com/jfe/form/SV_3fK1idnJ8kxdoxg

AE 1601, 2010Contact permits@ae.gatech.edu with questions.   

Submit a permit request via BuzzPort.   

Major restrictions not removed.

The department uses Waitlisting for most sections. 

Registration information page: https://modlangs.gatech.edu/students/registration

Placement Tests (All students who studied language in high school or are heritage speakers must take the placement test): https://modlangs.gatech.edu/students/placement-tests

Permit Requests (For special cases and graduate students wishing to enroll in lower division language  classes.  All other students should use the waitlist system): https://forms.modlangs.gatech.edu/overloadPermit.php


Undergraduate Courses:   

Email the professor and copy bio-registration@lists.gatech.edu. Include purpose of request (permit, pre-req override), GTID and CRN of the course in the request   

Graduate Courses:   

Applied Physiology: sh112@gatech.edu

Bioinformatics and Quantitative Biosciences: Lisa.Redding@biosci.gatech.edu   
MS and PhD in Biology: ckim@gatech.edu   
This department has Waitlisting enabled for most sections.

BCKirsten McLagan (kirsten.mclagan@design.gatech.edu)  
Room 114 Caddell Building
BIOLGraduate Courses:   
Applied Physiology: sh112@gatech.edu

Bioinformatics and Quantitative Biosciences: Lisa.Redding@biosci.gatech.edu   

MS and PhD in Biology: ckim@gatech.edu   

This department has Waitlisting enabled for most sections.
BIOSEmail the professor and copy bio-registration@lists.gatech.edu. Include purpose of request (permit, pre-req override), GTID and CRN of the course in the request   
This department has Waitlisting enabled for most sections.

All courses restricted to declared BMED major and minor students. Non-BME students can reach out to the applicable advisor in Phase II to request a permit.   

Undergraduate Courses:   

Paul Fincannon paul.fincannon@bme.gatech.edu  Include student GTID and CRN of the course in the request.  

More information available at https://bme.gatech.edu/bme/mybme-ug   

Graduate Courses:   

Email the instructor of the course and copy gradstudies@bme.gatech.edu. Include student GTID and CRN of the course in the request.

PhD - GradAO@bme.gatech.edu



CEEMajor restrictions are not lifted. Contact permits@ce.gatech.edu.
CETLFelicia Turner, felicia.turner@cetl.gatech.edu
CHBEPermits to register for CHBE 2100 are requested via ChBE Advising advising@chbe.gatech.edu. All other ChBE courses are restricted to ChBE majors. 

Students who intend to change their major must attend a CHBE information session prior to permit issuance. Include your GT ID# and reason for requesting the permit. Students can complete permits for undergraduate research through GT eSignature.
This department has Waitlisting enabled for some sections.

The department uses Waitlisting for most sections. 

Registration information page: https://modlangs.gatech.edu/students/registration

Placement Tests (All students who studied language in high school or are heritage speakers must take the placement test): https://modlangs.gatech.edu/students/placement-tests

Permit Requests (For special cases and graduate students wishing to enroll in lower division language  classes.  All other students should use the waitlist system): https://forms.modlangs.gatech.edu/overloadPermit.php

CPContactanna.traykova@design.gatech.edu to request a permit.  Some classes are by permit only.    
This department has Waitlisting enabled for some undergraduate sections.
COEWaitlist enabled for most sections. Contact permits@ce.gatech.edu.   
Major Restrictions not removed
CSGraduate Reg Dates - https://www.cc.gatech.edu/student-registration-dates-information-graduate   

Undergraduate Reg Dates - https://www.cc.gatech.edu/undergraduate-registration
CSEFor information regarding restrictions see https://www.cc.gatech.edu/student-registration-dates-information-graduate   

This department has Waitlisting enabled for some sections.
EASLast Name: A-L - Dr. Zachary Handlos: zachary.handlos@eas.gatech.edu   

Last Name: M- Z- Dr. Samantha Wilson: samantha.wilson@eas.gatech.edu

requires VPN if not on Georgia Tech network
ECONFor permit requests, please contact Davis Palubeski davisp@gatech.edu

No overloads, for more information contact RegistrationSupport@lmc.gatech.edu  

Additional information available: https://lmc.gatech.edu/programs/bs-lmc/engl1101-1102-registration


The department uses Waitlisting for most sections. 

Registration information page: https://modlangs.gatech.edu/students/registration

Placement Tests (All students who studied language in high school or are heritage speakers must take the placement test): https://modlangs.gatech.edu/students/placement-tests

Permit Requests (For special cases and graduate students wishing to enroll in lower division language  classes.  All other students should use the waitlist system): https://forms.modlangs.gatech.edu/overloadPermit.php


The department uses Waitlisting for most sections. 

Registration information page: https://modlangs.gatech.edu/students/registration

Placement Tests (All students who studied language in high school or are heritage speakers must take the placement test): https://modlangs.gatech.edu/students/placement-tests

Permit Requests (For special cases and graduate students wishing to enroll in lower division language  classes.  All other students should use the waitlist system): https://forms.modlangs.gatech.edu/overloadPermit.php

GT 1000Email request to: gt1000@gatech.edu
GT 2000Email request to: gt2000@gatech.edu 
GT 2100Contact the Center for Academic Success. success@gatech.edu
HPSAdrienne Durham, 404-894-3986, Adrienne.durham@ap.gatech.edu
IDTroy Whyte, Suite 251 of the West College of Design Building, 404-894-4874, troy.whyte@coa.gatech.edu
INTASend an email to advising@inta.gatech.edu

Major restrictions lifted on (ISYE) 2027, 3025, 3030, 3232, 3044, & 3133 during Phase II; Major restrictions not lifted otherwise.

The department uses Waitlisting for most sections. 

Registration information page: https://modlangs.gatech.edu/students/registration

Placement Tests (All students who studied language in high school or are heritage speakers must take the placement test): https://modlangs.gatech.edu/students/placement-tests

Permit Requests (For special cases and graduate students wishing to enroll in lower division language  classes.  All other students should use the waitlist system): https://forms.modlangs.gatech.edu/overloadPermit.php


The department uses Waitlisting for most sections. 

Registration information page: https://modlangs.gatech.edu/students/registration

Placement Tests (All students who studied language in high school or are heritage speakers must take the placement test): https://modlangs.gatech.edu/students/placement-tests

Permit Requests (For special cases and graduate students wishing to enroll in lower division language  classes.  All other students should use the waitlist system): https://forms.modlangs.gatech.edu/overloadPermit.php

(English Dept)

LMC 3403 permits: https://www.lmc.gatech.edu/programs/bs-lmc/lmc3403-registration

Undergraduate LMC permits: Submit to the Buzzport override system

This department has waitlisting enabled for most undergraduate sections – no overloads allowed for classes with a waitlist.

Graduate permits: Contact Erica Taylor, etaylor85@gatech.edu 


The department uses Waitlisting for most sections. 

Registration information page: https://modlangs.gatech.edu/students/registration

Placement Tests (All students who studied language in high school or are heritage speakers must take the placement test): https://modlangs.gatech.edu/students/placement-tests

Permit Requests (For special cases and graduate students wishing to enroll in lower division language  classes.  All other students should use the waitlist system): https://forms.modlangs.gatech.edu/overloadPermit.php

MATHAll permit requests must be emailed to academics@math.gatech.edu. (No longer through BuzzPort.)   

This department has Waitlisting enabled for some sections.
MEPermits and Pre-req overrides via Oscar only. Waitlisting is enabled for most sections. NRE 2120 major restrictions will be removed the Friday before classes start in Phase II registration.  Major restrictions are not lifted on other ME, NRE and MP classes, but permit requests will be evaluated on a case by case basis.  View our website for more information and contact information: https://www.me.gatech.edu/registration-22.
MGTUndergraduates only: non-BSBA majors can register for MGT courses after we lift major restrictions. For more registration information visit our website: https://www.scheller.gatech.edu/degree-programs/undergraduate/student-services/registration-support.html   

Graduate courses numbered MGT 6000 or higher: For registration assistance, please send an email with the  course number, title section and CRN along with your  GTID to mbaprogram@scheller.gatech.edu. 

The department uses Waitlisting for most sections. 

Registration information page: https://modlangs.gatech.edu/students/registration

MPPermits and Pre-req overrides via BuzzPort only. Major restrictions are not lifted on ME, NRE and MP classes. Send registration questions to register@me.gatech.edu.   

This department has Waitlisting enabled for most sections.


Send registration requests to registration@mse.gatech.edu

MSLMayumi Cole, 404-894-9936. mayumi.cole@arotc.gatech.edu
MUSIErin Jackson, 404-385-8148. erin.jackson@music.gatech.edu

Course permit request form: https://forms2.cos.gatech.edu/neuroscience-course-request

Neuroscience research permit: https://forms2.cos.gatech.edu/undergraduate-research-permit

NREPermits and Pre-req overrides via Oscar only. Waitlisting is enabled for most sections. NRE 2120 major restrictions will be removed the Friday before classes start in Phase II registration.  Major restrictions are not lifted on other ME, NRE and MP classes, but permit requests will be evaluated on a case by case basis.  View our website for more information and contact information: https://www.me.gatech.edu/registration-22.

The department uses Waitlisting for most sections. 

Registration information page: https://modlangs.gatech.edu/students/registration

Placement Tests (All students who studied language in high school or are heritage speakers must take the placement test): https://modlangs.gatech.edu/students/placement-tests

Permit Requests (For special cases and graduate students wishing to enroll in lower division language  classes.  All other students should use the waitlist system): https://forms.modlangs.gatech.edu/overloadPermit.php

PHYSSend registration questions to academicoffice@physics.gatech.edu
PSYCPSYC online permit requests (majors and non-majors). Psychology courses only.   

PTFEShirley Manchester, 404-894-2850, shirley.manchester@mse.gatech.edu

The department uses Waitlisting for most sections. 

Registration information page: https://modlangs.gatech.edu/students/registration

Placement Tests (All students who studied language in high school or are heritage speakers must take the placement test): https://modlangs.gatech.edu/students/placement-tests

Permit Requests (For special cases and graduate students wishing to enroll in lower division language  classes.  All other students should use the waitlist system): https://forms.modlangs.gatech.edu/overloadPermit.php


The department uses Waitlisting for most sections. 

Registration information page: https://modlangs.gatech.edu/students/registration

Placement Tests (All students who studied language in high school or are heritage speakers must take the placement test): https://modlangs.gatech.edu/students/placement-tests

Permit Requests (For special cases and graduate students wishing to enroll in lower division language  classes.  All other students should use the waitlist system): https://forms.modlangs.gatech.edu/overloadPermit.php