Graduation Status Guide

Student ViewAdvisor ViewDefinition of Status
Must PTF - 10YR Rule10YStudent must submit a Petition to the Faculty for a waiver of the 10-Year Rule
Must PTF - 36HR Rule36HStudent must submit a Petition to the Faculty for a waiver of the 36-Hour Rule
Must PTF – 3HR Enrollment Rule3HRStudent must submit a Petition to the Faculty to request a waiver of the 3-Hour Enrollment Rule
Must PTF - Seven-Year Rule7YRStudent must submit a Petition to the Faculty for a waiver of the Seven-Year Rule
Must PTF - Six-Year Rule6YRStudent must submit a Petition to the Faculty for a waiver of the Six-Year Rule
Lacks Admission to CandidacyADMStudent lacks admission to candidacy - contact Graduate Studies
Degree AwardedAWDStudent's degree has been Awarded
Must Declare ConcentrationCONStudent must declare concentration to be properly evaluated
Deficient Core BlockDFCStudent has a deficiency located in the Core Block of their DegreeWorks audit - see DegreeWorks
Deficient Electives BlockDFEStudent has a deficiency located in the Electives Block of their DegreeWorks audit - see DegreeWorks
Deficient Major BlockDFMStudent has a deficiency located in the Major Block of their DegreeWorks audit - see DegreeWorks
Deficient in Multiple BlocksDFXStudent has a deficiency located in multiple blocks of their DegreeWorks audit - see DegreeWorks
Low GPA (Departmental Minimum)DGPStudent does not meet the minimum departmental GPA, if higher than the Institute minimum
Lacks Doctoral MinorDMRStudent must submit Doctoral Minor form to Graduate Education.
Lacks Enrollment WaiverENWStudent lacks Enrollment Waiver - contact Graduate Studies
Must PTF - Full Grad StandingFGSStudent must submit a Petition to the Faculty to request Full Graduate Standing
Must PTF - Full-Time SemestersFTEStudent must submit a Petition to the Faculty for a waiver of the Full-Time Semesters Rule
Low GPA (Institute Minimum)IGPStudent does not meet the minimum Institute GPA
InactivatedINAApplication has been inactivated
Joint Degree StudentJDSJoint Degree with program outside of GT.
Received Late, No EvaluationLNEGraduation application was completed after the deadline. Students will receive a graduation audit by the Registrar's Office during the term.
Lacks Required CourseworkLRCStudent is deficient required coursework
Multi. & Candidacy DeficiencyMACStudent is lacking requirements and Doctoral Candidacy. See notes at the bottom of the Degree Works audit.
Multiple & ThesisMLTStudent has multiple deficiencies and has not met thesis requirement. See notes at the bottom of the Degree Works audit.
Minor Deficiency MNRStudent is lacking minor requirements.
Multiple DeficienciesMULStudent has multiple deficiencies - see the Notes at the bottom of your DegreeWorks audit
Will Not Grad, Must ReapplyNOTStudent will not graduate, and must reapply for a future semester
On Track to Grad, 2nd AuditOT2Student is On Track for Graduation following the Registrar's Office Audit
On Track to Grad, Final AuditOT3Student is On Track for Graduation following the Final Degree Audit
Must PTF – Pass-Fail RulePFRStudent must submit a Petition to the Faculty for a waiver of the pass-fail rule
Lacks Program of StudyPOSSome programs may require a Program of Study that the academic unit will submit to the Office of the Registrar to supplement their OAG
Pending Transfer CreditPTCStudent is pending transfer credit, and degree is contingent on awarding of said credit
Received Re-App, Pending EvalRAPStudent's re-application has been received, and is pending evaluation of Second Audit
Lacks RCR TrainingRCRStudent has not completed RCR requirements. Review requirements and submit documents to Graduate Education. 
Received, Pending EvaluationRECGraduation application is received and pending evaluation
Registrar Administrative DeficiencyREGContact Degree Certification (
Received Late, Will Not EvalRLNStudent applied to graduate late
Lacks ThesisTHEStudent lacks thesis - contact Graduate Studies