Closure Notice - The Registrar's Office will open at 12:30 pm on Thursday, December 5.

Grade Entry FAQ

  1. How do I get to the progress report and/or final grade entry page?
  2. What do I do once I get to the progress report and/or final grade entry page?
  3. How can I see a list of students in my class?
  4. When does the final grade entry window open?
  5. When are final grades due?
  6. If I am teaching a short session course during a Summer Semester, when are my final grades due?
  7. Must thesis (7000- and 9000-level) grades be entered?
  8. Am I required to enter progress report grades?
  9. When are progress report grades due?
  10. I think I have entered my progress report and/or final grades, but I am not sure. How do I check?
  11. If I enter my grades on T-Square do I also have to enter them in Banner?
  12. Where can I find instructions for uploading my grades from a spreadsheet?
  13. I missed the deadline to enter my final grades. How can I enter my final grades now?
  14. I missed the deadline to enter my progress report grades. How can I enter my progress report grades now?
  15. Can I change an Incomplete (I) or Not Reported (NR) final grade from a prior term online?
  16. Do I have to enter the Last Date of Participation field when entering final grades?
  17. I still have questions, whom do I contact?

1. How do I get to the progress report and/or final grade entry page?

  • Log into BuzzPort
  • On the "Faculty" tab locate the "Faculty Toolkit" panel
  • Select the "Registration (OSCAR)" link
  • Select "Faculty Services"
  • Make your selection from the menu options

2. What do I do once I get to the progress report and/or final grade entry page?

  • Select the appropriate grade for each student from the drop-down list in the "Grade" column
  • Enter "Last Date of Participation" for any student assigned "F" or "I" grades

3. How can I see a list of students in my class?

  • Log into BuzzPort
  • On the "Faculty" tab locate the "Faculty Toolkit" panel
  • Select the "Registration (OSCAR)" link
  • Select "Faculty Services"
  • Select the "Summary Class List" option

4. When does the final grade entry window open?

It opens at 8:00 am on the Monday of final exam week.

5. When are final grades due?

Grades are always due by noon on the Monday following final exam week

6. If I am teaching a short session course during a Summer Semester, when are my final grades due?

There is no separate grade entry for short session courses. Grades for short session courses are due at the same time as regular session courses, by noon on the Monday following exam week.

7. Must thesis (7000- and 9000-level) grades be entered?

Yes. All grades must be entered online.

8. Am I required to enter progress report grades?

Yes, if you are teaching a 1000- or 2000-level course. Satisfactory (S) or Unsatisfactory (U) grades must be entered for all students in 1000- and/or 2000-level courses.

9. When are progress report grades due?

See the Academic Calendar.

10. I think I have entered my progress report and/or final grades, but I am not sure. How do I check?

  • Log into BuzzPort
  • On the "Faculty" tab locate the "Faculty Toolkit" panel
  • Select the "Registration (OSCAR)" link
  • Select "Faculty Services"
  • Select the "Summary Class List" option
  • Check if your grades are posted in the "Final" column

11. If I enter my grades on T-Square do I also have to enter them in Banner?

No. If you enter your grades in T-Square, they are automatically moved to Banner. However, you must enter "Last Date of Participation" in Banner for any students assigned "F" or "I" final grades

12. Where can I find instructions for uploading my grades from a spreadsheet?

  • Log into BuzzPort
  • On the "Faculty" tab locate the "Faculty Toolkit" panel
  • Select the "Registration (OSCAR)" link
  • Select "Faculty Services"
  • Select "Upload Your Grades From a File" option
  • Select "Grade Upload Help Information"

13. I missed the deadline to enter my final grades. How can I enter my final grades now?

You cannot enter the grades on-line. You must complete a pink grade change form for each student. Blank forms can be obtained from the academic office of your department.

14. I missed the deadline to enter my progress report grades. How can I enter my progress report grades now?

You cannot enter the grades on-line. You must individually notify each student in your 1000/2000 level classes as to their progress in your class.

15. Can I change an Incomplete (I) or Not Reported (NR) final grade from a prior term online?

No. You must complete a Grade Change Form for each student. Blank forms can be obtained from the academic office of your department.

16. Do I have to enter the Last Date of Participation field when entering final grades?

The "Last Date of Participation" field should only be entered for students assigned an "F" or "I" final grade. The date should be the last date on which the student either attended class or demonstrated "participation" in the class in some way such as turning in homework, turning in a paper, or taking an exam or quiz. Use whatever the most recent date was when the student indicated some form of participation in the class.

17. I still have questions, whom do I contact?

The Registrar's Office is eager to help you.

Email the Registrar's Office