Time Ticket Distribution Schedule

Time ticket windows are based on credit hours completed with a passing grade. Any courses in progress at this point were not considered in the assignment process.

Time Ticket Distribution for Fall 2024

Table posted Thu. Aug. 8th at 7:30 PM EDT

DayDateStart TimeNew/ContinuingGroupRelease Method and Group Details
Mon12-Aug7:00amCont. and ReadmitAAAll eligible
Mon12-Aug9:00amCont. and ReadmitVeterans utilizing benefitsAll eligible
Mon12-Aug9:00amCont. and ReadmitDisability ServicesODS will confirm eligibility for priority ticket.  
Mon12-Aug9:15amCont. and ReadmitROTCAll eligible
Mon12-Aug9:30amContinuingGradsOMSCS 27+ hours earned
Mon12-Aug9:45amContinuingGradsOMSCS 24-26 hours earned
Mon12-Aug10:00amContinuingGradsOMSCS 21-23 hours earned
Mon12-Aug10:15amContinuingGradsOMSCS 18-20 hours earned
Mon12-Aug10:30amContinuingGradsOMSCS 15-17 hours earned & OMSCS Special Students
Mon12-Aug10:45amContinuingGradsOMSCS 12-14 hours earned
Mon12-Aug11:00amContinuingGradsOMSCS 9-11 hours earned
Mon12-Aug11:15amContinuingGradsOMSCS 6-8 hours earned
Mon12-Aug11:30amContinuingGradsOMSCS 3-5 hours earned
Mon12-Aug11:45amContinuingGradsOMSCS 0-2 hours earned
Mon12-Aug12:00pm (noon)ContinuingSeniors120+ earned hours
Mon12-Aug12:30pmContinuingSeniors115 to 119 hours earned
Mon12-Aug1:00pm ContinuingSeniors110 to 114 hours earned
Mon12-Aug1:30pmContinuingSeniors105 to 109 hours earned
Mon12-Aug2:00pmContinuingSeniors100 to 104 hours earned
Mon12-Aug2:30pmContinuingSeniors95 to 99 hours earned
Mon12-Aug2:00pmFASETAll registered for August 12 FASETBy FASET groups
Tue13-Aug8:00amContinuingJuniors85 to 89 hours earned
Tue13-Aug8:30amContinuingJuniors80 to 84 hours earned
Tue13-Aug9:00amContinuingJuniors75 to 79 hours earned
Tue13-Aug9:30amContinuingJuniors70 to 74 hours earned
Tue13-Aug10:00amAll New Fall OMSCSGradsAll
Tue13-Aug12:00pm (noon)ContinuingJuniors65 to 69 hours earned
Tue13-Aug12:30pmContinuingJuniors60 to 64 hours earned
Wed14-Aug10:00amNew Atlanta Graduate Students GradsAll 
Wed14-Aug11:30amContinuing Atlanta GradsGrads50 + hours earned
Wed14-Aug12:30pmContinuing Atlanta GradsGrads37 to 49 hours earned 
Wed14-Aug1:30pmContinuing Atlanta GradsGrads25 to 36 hours earned
Wed14-Aug2:30pmContinuing Atlanta GradsGrads13 to 24 hours earned
Wed14-Aug3:30pmContinuing Atlanta GradsGrads0 to 12 hours earned
Thu15-Aug8:00amFall Freshmen and Transfer who did not attend FASETNew UndergraduateAll
Thu15-Aug9:00amFall Freshmen and Transfer who attended FASETNew UndergraduateAll
Thu15-Aug10:00amContinuingOMS Analytics, Cyber, Video and GC 25+ hours earned 
Thu15-Aug10:30amContinuingOMS Analytics, Cyber, Video and GC 13 to 24 hours earned
Thu15-Aug11:00amContinuingOMS Analytics, Cyber, Video and GC 0 to 12 hours earned
Thu15-Aug12:00pm (noon)ContinuingSophomores50 to 59 hours earned 
Thu15-Aug1:00pmContinuingSophomores40 to 49 hours earned
Thu15-Aug2:00pmContinuingSophomores30 to 39 hours earned
Thu15-Aug2:30pmContinuingFreshmen20 to 29 hours earned
Thu15-Aug3:00pmContinuingFreshmen10 to 19 hours earned
Thu15-Aug3:30pmContinuingFreshmen0 to 9 hours earned
Thu15-Aug3:00pmFall Exchange StudentsBy FASET GroupBy FASET Group
Fri16-Aug8:00amContinuingSpecial & TransientAll
  • All times are Eastern Time.
  • Waitlisting will start Friday, August 16 at 8:30 am.
  • Waitlists removed and registration free-for-all on Friday, August 23 starting at 9:00 am ET. 
  • All tickets will close on August 23 at 4:00pm ET.