What are Degree Plans?
Through Degree Works, Degree Plans allows students and Academic Advisors to collaborate together to formulate a tentative plan for future terms that can be utilized to act as a tool and guide to fulfill degree requirements.
How does it work?
Once in Degree Works, open the “Plans” tab to create and view plans.

You can create a blank plan or select a template. The blank plan requires the student or advisor to add individual terms and the template plan will provide 8 blank terms. Additional terms can be added, but not removed through the template plan.

You can create your plan based on courses still needed to complete degree requirements. Courses you are registered for or that have been completed are not included as still needed.
A course can be added through four different options. They include: Course, Choice, GPA, and Placeholder.
- Course: Type the subject and course number or use the search feature (the magnifying glass) to find a course. Or open the Still Needed menu on the right, then click, hold and drag a course into the term area. If you use this option, you do not need to Add Requirement and choose Course first.
- Choice: This option is used to plan a future choice. For example, a Humanities or Social Science can be planned but a specific course is not listed. HUM 1XXX or SS 1XXX can be the choice. The choice courses will appear in the Calendar view but not the Audit view.
- GPA: If a GPA requirement is required for the degree or major. Typically, this feature is used by the advisor.
- Placeholder: Use the placeholder type for an elective, transfer course, Study Abroad term, COOP, Internship, or other unspecified requirement.

All Plans must have a description before you can save your plan. There is not a limit on the number of Plans Students and Advisors can create. However, check the Active box to make this your default plan when the Plans tab is selected.
Advisors can “lock” a plan. Students will still have access to review, but must request changes from their Advisor who created the plan.
Please work together with your advisor when creating your Degree Plan. The Registrar's Office is available to answer any questions you have about the functionality of Degree Works Plans. Send us an email with your question and GTID number to dc@registrar.gatech.edu
Please note the Disclaimer: You are encouraged to use this degree plan as a guide for tracking your progress toward completion of the above requirements. Your academic advisor or the Registrar's Office may be contacted for assistance in interpreting this report. This plan is not your academic transcript and it is not official notification of completion of degree or certificate requirements. Please contact the Registrar's Office regarding this degree plan, your official degree/certificate completion status, or to obtain a copy of your academic transcript.