On Wednesday, January 22, the Registrar's Office will be closed for in-person services.

Academic Standing

Authoritative information regarding students' academic standing is published in the Catalog.

Catalog: Student Rules and Regulation VI

Academic standing is based on both the term grade point average and the overall average of the student. The minimum term and overall grade point averages for a student to be designated as having Good standing is explained below.

Minimum GPA for each class to be designated with Good standing. Effective Fall Term, 2001.

Class StandingRequired GPA
Freshman or JEPHS1.70
Senior or Special Undergraduate2.00
Masters or Special Graduate2.70

Students on an academic readmission agreement may have additional requirements in order to designated with Good standing. Academic standings in effect at Georgia Tech are described below.

Academic Standing

Academic StandingDescription
GoodStudent is not on academic warning or probation; is maintaining satisfactory academic progress.
WarningStudent’s most recent academic performance has been unsatisfactory or the overall average is below the minimum requirement. Academic warning is a subcategory of good academic standing, differing only in the maximum allowable schedule load.
ProbationStudent’s most recent academic performance has been extremely unsatisfactory or the term average has continued to be unsatisfactory or the overall academic average has continued to be below the minimum requirement.
ReviewStudent who normally would be dropped from the rolls due to academic deficiencies but appears from the record not to have completed the term. Student cannot be enrolled on Review status and should contact their major school for further information.
Drop/DismissalStudent has been dropped from the rolls due to academic deficiencies. Student may apply for readmission after an absence of one term unless this is second Drop/Dismissal. Students on Drop should seek advisement from their major school regarding future re-admission.

Maximum Hours for Undergraduate Students

The maximum number of credit hours for which an undergraduate student may register in a Fall or Spring semester, based on her/his academic standing, is explained below.

Good21 credit hours
Warning16 credit hours
Probation14 credit hours

The maximum number of credit hours for which an undergraduate student may register in a normal summer term, based on their academic standing, is explained below.

Good16 credit hours
Warning14 credit hours
Probation12 credit hours

Requests for schedule overloads must be recommended by the student's major school and approved by the Institute Undergraduate Curriculum Committee through the petition process.

Petition to the Faculty

Undergraduate Academic Standing Requirements

Use the academic standing chart below in consultation with your major advisor.

Classification is determined by credit hours 
(*Six hour classification is based on graded hours)

Freshman Classification 

0-29 Credit Hours 
1.7 GPA Requirement

Sophomore Classification 

30-59 Credit Hours 
1.8 GPA Requirement

Junior Classification 

60-89 Credit Hours 
1.95 GPA Requirement

Senior Classification 
(Special also)

90+ Credit Hours 
2.0 GPA Requirement

Student on Good Standing in Previous Term

Achieves a term or cumulative GPA under required GPA but above 1.0Warning

Achieves a term GPA under 1.0 based on at least 6+ hoursProbation

Student on Warning in Previous Term

Achieves a term and cumulative GPA above required GPAGood

Achieves a term GPA over required GPA and cumulative GPA is under required GPAWarning

Achieves a term GPA under required GPA and above 1.0Probation

Achieves a term GPA under 1.0 based on at least *6 hours and culumative GPA is under required GPADrop

Student on Probation in Previous Term

Achieves a term and cumulative GPA above required GPAGood

Achieves a term or cumulative GPA under required GPA (but not both)Probation

Achieves a term GPA under 2.0Drop

Graduate Academic Standing Requirements

Use the academic standing chart below in consultation with your major advisor.


Masters and Special Classification

2.7 GPA Requirement

Doctoral Classification

3.0 GPA Requirement

Student on Good Standing in Previous Term

Achieves a term or cumulative GPA under required GPA but above 2.0Warning

Achieves a term GPA under 2.0Probation

Student on Warning in Previous Term

Achieves a term and cumulative GPA above required GPAGood

Achieves a term GPA over required GPA and cumulative GPA is under required GPAWarning

Achieves a term GPA under required GPA and above 2.0Probation

Achieves a term GPA under 2.0Drop

Student on Probation in Previous Term

Achieves a term and cumulative GPA above required GPAGood

Achieves a term or cumulative GPA under required GPA (but not both)Probation

Achieves a term and cumulative GPA under required GPADrop